Application Specific Electromagnetics

Are you an engineering manager searching for a high performance transformer or inductor? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

Are you tired of dealing with the unpredictable failures of your local distributor’s dimestore transformers? Are you ready to elevate your circuit’s performance to world class standards?

If so, it’s time to call Osborne’s industry leading team of electromagnetic engineering experts.


Let’s talk about your project.


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Choosing an Application Specific Component Design

Osborne specializes in application specific electromagnetics. What does that mean? It means that Osborne is your design partner when you need high performance transformers and inductors. Every characteristic of every Osborne design has been optimized for the needs of a specific application.

But this still sounds vague!

Fair enough. It is a little vague. And there’s a good reason why: all of your applications are unique, and similarly, all of Osborne’s designs are unique. Osborne’s designs are used in a very diverse range of applications. It’s, unfortunately, not possible to publish information about every product.

Product applications include high fidelity inductive load simulation for aerospace engineering industry, high voltage auxiliary potential devices for the energy utility switchgear industry, and ultra-long lifespan isolation transformers for the machine tool industry. Osborne’s electromagnetic experts collaborate with senior design engineers, product research engineers, and laboratory managers from many disciplines.

Osborne’s Design Engineers Can Help Specify the Ideal Component

Osborne’s application engineering experience is a valuable resource. Contact their project managers to discuss how to an extremely durable component. Unlike electrical commodity distributors, Osborne’s team is here to help you work through the early stages of your design process.


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