Why Partner With an Electromagnetic Designer?

It’s never easy to know when to outsource design consulting services. Project managers need to achieve exceptional quality while operating within budget and timeline constraints. Osborne’s service programs have been developed to help you:

  1. Emphasize Quality and High Performance
  2. Control Your Development Budget
  3. Accelerate Concept to Market Timelines for New Technology Projects

We’ve seen how many companies can cut corners by treating their electromagnetic components as off the shelf commodities. Occasionally these products come to us in the form of burned-out transformers. More often the problems are less obvious, and less dramatic. But these design shortcomings are important to acknowledge from a product quality perspective. These seemingly minor differences are what distinguish superior products from commodities.

Differentiate Your Products With Quality and High-Performance

Fortunately, you can differentiate and gain a competitive edge by building application specific electromagnetic component expertise into every system. Osborne Transformer provides a variety of services to help you develop superior quality systems.

Minimize Trial and Error, Resolve Uncertainties, Manage Project Risks

Electromagnetic engineering is a discipline of it’s own, quite distinct from electronic or other more common forms of electrical engineering. It’s clearly possible for electronic or electrical engineers to develop functional systems, without explicit guidance from engineers. Sometimes this type of design process involves a trial and error approach. Trial and error can be expensive and time consuming. Often the results are less than optimal. And often the resulting circuits are compromised by using off-the-shelf electromagnetic components.

The Appropriate Electromagnetic Design Approach for Your System

Osborne Transformer designs our components to match the specific operating requirements of YOUR system. We have the application engineering experience to identify the most appropriate electromagnetic design approach for your system. Osborne offers:

  • Custom solutions,
  • A wide range of design options, and
  • Premium quality prototype development.

Osborne Transformer’s Reputation for Excellence

Osborne designs have made a significant contribution to thousands of successful projects around the world. That’s how we’ve developed such a strong reputation with leading global manufacturers. Project managers who value superior electromagnetic engineering, trust Osborne to do the job right. Doing it right the first time will improve your performance, accelerate project development time, and minimize the risks associated with trial and error development.