Five Life Cycle Stages of Transformers and Inductors
Four life cycle stages proposed by the US EPA for “wire and cable”, plus one additional stage related to electromagnetic core and coil assemblies.
Four life cycle stages proposed by the US EPA for “wire and cable”, plus one additional stage related to electromagnetic core and coil assemblies.
This week the State of Michigan released a 2009 Green Jobs Report.
The thrill of rapid acceleration is an experience that gets in your blood; and once it’s there, it’s tough to shake. I’m talking about a neurological sequence, changes in your biochemical system, changes that trigger an unmatched rush of excitement, adrenaline, joy. If you have a taste for this particular self-indulgence, this need for speed, […]
IndustryWeek examines Osborne’s use of remote collaboration software and management techniques.
When sizing a reduced duty cycle transformer, here are important facts to keep in mind.
An electrical transformer is an impedance matching device. This is a well-known fact. Here is an interesting application taking advantage of that fact.
Saturable reactors are considered magnetic amplifiers because they can use a relatively small amount of DC volt-amps to control the transfer of a significant amount of AC volt-amps.
The process of repairing transformers can be a dirty job. But tearing down a transformer can be very educational and technically rewarding. I recently had the opportunity of disassembling a defective transformer for a local utility. This transformer is part of a 1950’s vintage transmitter used to locate “system faults” on a 4,800 volt distribution […]
Passive inductors are often used in test equipment for Design Verification (DV) and Functional Testing (FT) of automotive and other vehicle loads. Test equipment manufacturers should be aware of the characteristics that determine the physical sizes of these components.
When productive capability is on the line, contact Osborne´s Emergency Repair Program immediately! If your production equipment is “off line” you´ll often want to get it back into use as soon as possible. If you need a fast solution, the Osborne Emergency Repair program is your best bet. Please refer to this simple checklist: Do […]